Acapellart singers

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Choral Music & Community

AcapellArt Singers was founded in May 2013. Each of the 6 singers grew up as a student of the Kodály Zoltán Primary School and as singer of the choirs of the Cantemus Choir Family. So they have years of experience in choral singing, although none of them are exclusively artists in their profession.

One of the hallmarks of the band's performance is that, like the traditions of the English King's Singers, they build exclusively on male voices. The similarity in the tone of the men in these harmonies gives a uniquely clear sound when performing choral works.

László leányvári


Founding member of Banchieri Singers (1989).

Main experiences with the group (inter alia):

- International Choir Competitions: Coccaglio (Italy, 1991), Arezzo (Italy, 1994, Choir category 1st place), Tolosa (Spain, 1995, Choir category 1st place), Debrecen (Hungary, 1996, Choir category 1st place, Grand Prix)

- International Choir Performances: Helsinki (Finland, 1995), Tartu (Estonia, 1995), Japan (1996-2004, 6 tours), Malmö (Sweden, 1997), Novosibirsk (Russia, 1997), Beirut (Lebanon, 2004)

- Master classes: Alaister Thompson (The King’s Singers, 1997), Francis Steel and Sally Dunkley (The Tallis Scholars, 2001, 4 times)

- Recordings: 1996-2008 Production of 6 CDs



Participant in musical past, primary world choir performances, tours, competitions, festivals since primary school as leading baritone of Cantemus Boys’ Mixed Choir, Cantemus Youth Mixed Choir, Cantemus Mixed Choir (Tolosa 2008, Tours 2009), etc.

Gábor nagy


Participant in musical past, primary world choir performances, tours, competitions, festivals since primary school - Cantemus Boys’ Mixed Choir, Cantemus Youth Mixed Choir, Cantemus Mixed Choir, etc.

2004-2020 Deputy Director of Cantemus Choir Institute

Bass singer of Banchieri Singers. Main experiences with the group (inter alia):

- International Choir Competitions: Arezzo (Italy, 1994, Choir category 1st place), Tolosa (Spain, 1995, Choir category 1st place), Debrecen (Hungary, 1996, Choir category 1st place, Grand Prix)

- International Choir Performances: Helsinki (Finland, 1995), Tartu (Estonia, 1995), Japan (1996-2004, 6 tours), Malmö (Sweden, 1997), Novosibirsk (Russia, 1997), Beirut (Lebanon, 2004)

- Master classes: Alaister Thompson (The King’s Singers, 1997), Francis Steel and Sally Dunkley (The Tallis Scholars, 2001, 4 times)

- Recordings: 1996-2008 Production of more than 6 CDs

gábor eszenyi


Participant in performances, tours, competitions, festivals with several world-famous choirs since primary school - Choir of the Music Department of the Art Vocational School, Cantemus Children's Choir, Cantemus Boys’ Mixed Choir, Cantemus Mixed Choir, Cantus Decorus Singers etc.

Outstanding results (inter alia):

Béla Bartók International Choir Competition, Debrecen, 1996 3rd place

Béla Bartók International Choir Competition, Debrecen, 2004 3rd place

Gorizia International Choir Competition, Gorizia, 2006 1st places, special prize, audience prize, grand prize

Choir conducting experiences:

National Organization of Cancer Patients - Nyíregyháza Solstice Service Daisy Chamber Choir

2018- present Manager and singer at Cantemus Choir Institute

péter magyar

tenor, artistic director

Participant in musical past, primary world choir performances, tours, competitions, festivals since primary school - Cantemus Boys’ Mixed Choir, Cantemus Mixed Choir, Cantemus Children’s Choir, Cantus Decours Singers etc.

2018- present Manager and singer at Cantemus Choir Institute

attila nagy

countertenor, manager

2008-2009 Discantus Singers – countertenor (alto) (Budapest, International Choir Competitions Slovakia, Netherlands)

2007-2008 Banchieri Singers – countertenor (alto) (Nyíregyháza)

2003-2008 Cantus Decorus Singers – countertenor (soprano, alto), founding member, manager (Nyíregyháza, International Choir Competition Debrecen, 2004)

1998-2013 Cantemus Mixed Choir – baritone, countertenor (alto) (Nyíregyháza, International Choir Competition, Gorizia, 2006)

1993-1999 Cantemus Boys’ Mixed Choir – soprano, alto, tenor, baritone


1994-1996 Cantemus Children’s Choir – soprano, mezzo, alto (Nyíregyháza)

Acapellart cultural association

In May 2016, AcapellArt Cultural Association was founded with the participation of the band's members, among others.

The Association has been operating in a fully non-profit status since autumn 2019.

The purpose of the association:

- Enhancing the diversity and values of vocal music

- Encouraging access to opportunities for lifelong learning, using non-formal, informal learning

tools in the field of performing arts and music pedagogy

Activities of the association:

- Bringing cultural performances and concerts to a wide audience

- Promoting the international presence of Hungarian singing music art and culture

- Maintaining the cultural memory of the European and, within this, especially the Hungarian

singing and music art, preserving the singing and music art cultural traditions

- Promoting the education of children and young people as receptive viewers of music,

- Developing and conducting music pedagogic sessions aimed at nurturing talent and developing

creative skills

- Disadvantaged social groups in performing arts and music education programs encouraging his


- Encouraging domestic participation in international music education projects

creative & cultural projects

Concert series for students

In February 2019, the Ensemble, with the background support of the Association and the cooperation of Philharmonic Hungary Nonprofit Ltd., Móricz Zsigmond Theater Nonprofit Ltd. and Bencs Villa, held a series of concerts (consists of 25 concerts) (February-March 2019).

Provence tour

During the period as of 22.07.2022-27.07.2022., AcapellArt Singers gave 5 all-night concerts in France, at the 30th anniversary event series for the winning choirs of European international choir competitions.

Krakow tour

December 2022 the Ensemble gave a successful concert with the support of the Wacław Felczak Foundation and under the patronage of the Consulate General of Hungary in Krakow, at the invitation of the Polish Triplum Ensemble a mass the next day.

Boys among themselves

In the month of May 2022, and during the rehearsals process before that, the Association

implemented the project titled "Boys among themselves..." in partnership with the Cantemus Boys’ Choir.

The project was supported by the Ministry of Human Resources (project identification number: EMT-TE-B-A-21-0507).

The overall goal of the project was to provide amateur boy and young male choir singers belonging to the child and youth target group with community experiences that would establish their long-term commitment and at the same time be based on the traditions of the values of the Hungarian choral movement.

Specific goals and expected results: implementation of innovative music pedagogic community events and high-quality performing arts concert events of outstanding cultural value (6 in total, 3 per choir).

Contact Info

Mailing Address

3/B Mányoki Ádám St., Nyíregyháza, Hungary 4400

Email Address

Phone Number

+36 (70) 600 6512